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Works Cited (at the end of the document in alphabetical order):
Zaki, Fady. "Baroque Art Movement." Identify This Art, 16 May 2011. Web. (Today's Date).
Format: Authors. "Page Title." Website. Publisher, Date. Web. Date Accessed.

In-text Citation:
"This is a quote." (Zaki, Fady).
Format: "Quote" (Authors).

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References (at the end of the document in alphabetical order):
Zaki, F. (2011, May 16). Baroque Art Movement. Retrieved (Today's Date), from
Format: Authors. (Date Published - Year, Month Date). Page Title. Retrieved Date (Year, Month Date) from URL

In-text Citation:
(Zaki, 2011).
Format: (Authors, Year Published).

Chicago Citation Style

Bibliography (at the end of the document in alphabetical order):
Zaki, Fady. "Baroque Art Movement" Identify This Art. 16 May 2011. (accessed today's date).
Format: Authors. "Page Title." Publisher. Date Published. URL (Date Accessed - Month Date, Year).

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In-text numbers should be superscripted (1), and full-sized followed by a period and one space (1. ) before the first word of the entry.

1. Zaki, Fady, "Baroque Art Movement," Identify This Art, 16 May 2011, movement/ (accessed Today's Date).
Format: 1. Authors, "Page Title," Publisher, Date Published, URL (Date Accessed).